we support digital entrepreneurship

We are the first consulting and technology company in the affiliate marketing industry, which offers an integrated system of courses, digital tools and turnkey online business opportunities, dedicated to those who start and want to excel in a portable and predictable online business as influencers and affiliate marketers in the digital age. Next to them and together with them, we are building a success story that started with enthusiasm in 2017.


An integrated system

created with the idea that if someone without experience in entrepreneurship or in social media wants to start and excel in a portable and predictable online business as an influencer and affiliate marketer, to have both school and online marketing tools and the right business opportunities

Live or Online courses and trainings

Specific knowledge of branding, marketing, sales and building networks of clients and influencers in social media

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Online marketing digital tools

A complete package of digital tools and artificial intelligence to automate and monetize social media activity

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Affiliate marketing opportunities

Turnkey online businesses offered by our integrated solutions and the logistics of our affiliate platforms

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I want the lifestyle of a digital nomad. Future of Digital was the natural choice for me.




We chose Future of Digital to make our mlm activity more efficient. From the first day, using a funnel, we made 8 automated presentations and saw how 8 new members were automatically registered. I then understood that the funnel is only a small part of the tools and know-how we can receive.


I realized that, while my job as an accountant may disappear with the advent of artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies, other new jobs are emerging, such as influencer and affiliate marketer. Instead of resisting unnecessarily, I chose to adapt to the times.


We had a wholesaler who brought us money and fed us all the time. Future of Digital showed us how we can make the transition to digital entrepreneurship and have a business run from the phone, from the seaside or from the mountain cabin, without rent, utilities, stocks and without stress.


All my life, as an employee, before the end of the month the money ran out and I had to start over. I dared to believe that if I have the right guidance, the right equipment and the right amount of ambition, I can, despite my age, have the influence in social media that younger people have.


I had a classic job and a part-time activity in mlm, so I went to work in the morning and to mlm presentations in the afternoon. I found here the courses and digital tools that support me to have an online business with multiple companies that need my voice in social media.

Consultancy, know-how


Personal branding course in social media

personal branding principles and strategies in social media that allow an influencer and affiliate marketer to develop a strong and authentic online identity and presence

Multimedia course in social media

multiple practical technical solutions to get started in creating posters, films, collages, websites, blogs, podcasts that influencers and marketers affiliated with social media need in their work

Sales course for affiliate marketers in social media

basic information to develop the necessary skills of an affiliate marketer for the efficient management of a process of selling a product or service in the live-online hybrid space

Principles and strategies course in network marketing

principles and business strategies specific to network marketing in the digital age that provide profitability and predictability for this type of business

Social media manager course

a comprehensive training useful to develop the necessary skills for the efficient management of the online presence of a business or a private or personal brand in social media

Course on how to prospect in social media

strategies for prospecting and engaging the target audience in social media, a program for influencers and marketers that takes place in a unique way under the direct and personal guidance of trainers.

Affiliate Marketing Events

The European tour of affiliate marketing events organized by Future of Digital has come to count over 100 events in 7 countries with over 5000 participants from 2018 until now, being a meeting place for digital entrepreneurs regardless of whether we are talking about affiliate marketers, traders , coaches or developers of digital tools.

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Affiliate marketers are looking for know-how and new automated solutions to reach their audience, quickly and efficiently.


Digital tools


The most modern, efficient and used solution for the automated presentation of product or business offers in social media, used by an affiliate marketer

Website builder

A software tool that allows users to create their own blogs, websites, funnels or even simple shops, without needing programming or wedesign knowledge

Artificial intelligence

The most modern, efficient and used solution for preparing materials in text, photo or voice format for websites, blogs, podcasts or social media posts

Digital business card

A web domain where all relevant user resources can be found as predefined links for podcast, funnel, blog, shop, social media profiles, contact etc.


An integrated system of courses and automated digital tools is mandatory in the development of any online business. Click on the button below and you will be directed to such a turnkey onlline opportunity and to an affiliate marketer trained to guide you.

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for the "Start-up Digital Entrepreneur - Affiliate Marketer" pack: 
- 12 months access to all digital tools offered by Future of Digital 
- "Lifetime" access to the "Ready to go" funnel platform, 
- "Lifetime" access to all online courses, 
- "Lifetime" access to all Power Day and Power Weekend and 
- "Lifetime" access to the Live broadcasts from these events

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Her followers can be 
your customers

Use the power of a community of Users who Generate Content (UGC)

If you are a merchant, include in your sales strategy partnerships with content generating user communities (UGC).
Major retail companies are already doing it. The advantages are huge.

If you are a trainer (coach) or IT developer of digital tools, you have here a community of educated affiliate marketers open to learning new skills and using new tools to help them in their business in social media.

Ask for collaboration

Contact us if

you are employed and want to have a keyturn online part-time business run from the smartphone

you are a networker who needs to increase the number of presentations and the conversion rate within your network

you are an entrepreneur and you need branding strategy, online tools and an affiliate marketing community to increase your sales

you are a coach or IT developer and you have courses or valuable tools for a community of influencers and affiliate marketers

  • support@futureofdigital.info, reply in 24h

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